No time post and abit lazy these days >_<
Tired =P
And sick of course.
Well less then a month to O lv,
Its the final lap liao ^_^
After all this O level is over i am gonna revamp up the whole blog again.
By then i am most likely gonna change all the background with all my photoshop stuff that i have been playing with =P
So look forward to it ^^
And i got the sony mp3 player ^^
I damn happy with it =D
My grades manage to cut the mark for my MoM to get it for me xD
Now must do better then prelim !
Jiayous everyone!!
And the blogger will retire from posting for a long while to study~~
Time to choing!
The blue skys and clear days are inches away from our grasps ^_^
Btw i will rarely go on my MSN till after Olv,
So if really want contact me online then sms me and i will tell you how =P
I will most likely be found through this way ^^